Tips for Maximizing Your Group Training Workouts
Are you looking to turbocharge your fitness game and achieve your goals faster? Look no further than BodyPlex Fitness in Jasper, Georgia! We understand the importance of providing our members with the best possible workout experience — that's why we offer the best small-group training programs. Below, we'll share some invaluable tips to help you make the most out of your group training workouts at BodyPlex Fitness!
moreHow to Stay Motivated on Your Fitness Journey
Are you struggling to stay motivated on your fitness journey? Don't worry, you're not alone. At BodyPlex Fitness, the premier fitness club in Jasper, Georgia, we understand how challenging it can be to maintain motivation, but we're here to help! In this blog post, we'll share some valuable tips and tricks to keep you inspired and focused on your health and wellness goals. Let's raise the bar together!
moreThe Top Benefits of Group Training: Insights from Jasper's Favorite Fitness Center
Jasper Fitness Center in Big Canoe, GA, has the best group fitness training classes around. With our top-rated, certified instructors and supportive community, we know you will fall in love with fitness and our workout groups. Some top benefits of group training include:
moreThe Importance of Circuit Training for Overall Fitness
BodyPlex Fitness wants you to look and feel like you are in the best shape of your life, and we are here to help you achieve that! Our Circuit gym in Jasper, GA, is the perfect place to start!
Circuit training is a form of exercise that involves performing a series of exercises in a sequence with minimal rest in between. It typically involves a combination of strength training and cardiovascular exercises and can be customized to fit individual fitness goals and needs. Research states that circuit training is great for your overall health. Below are some reasons why adding circuit training to your fitness routine is important.
moreWhy BodyPlex Is the Best Jasper Fitness Club for Your Health Journey
Are you looking for a local gym in Jasper that can help you achieve your health and fitness goals? Look no further than BodyPlex Fitness. As a 24/7 fitness center, we offer the most flexible workout options in town. Here are four reasons why BodyPlex is the best Jasper fitness club for your health journey.
moreThe Benefits of Martial Art Workouts
When people think of a workout, their mind generally goes to running, biking, weight lifting, and the other classic exercises. While these exercises are all great for you, they are not for everyone. Some people simply can’t get into running long distances or repeatedly lifting heavy objects as a workout. This does not mean you should give up on working out altogether.
There are so many different styles of workouts that are fun and can keep you excited about your next gym session. Martial arts is one workout type that may be the style you are looking for. Martial arts include everything from karate to boxing to Muay Thai. At BodyPlex Fitness, we offer BODYCOMBAT. This is a high-intensity class that uses different forms of martial arts to create a fun, unique, and exhausting cardio class that may just become one of your favorites.
moreBenefits of Working With a Personal Trainer
Whether you are just starting your fitness journey or you have been working out regularly for years, a personal trainer may be the last thing you think you need. While you can do workouts on your own and still see the results you want, there are some benefits that personal trainers can provide you that you may not get on your own.
At BodyPlex Fitness in Jasper and Woodstock, we offer personal trainer services to our members who want to take their fitness goals to the next level. Our gym is full of the best workout equipment, we offer group workout classes, and can provide you with personal training! There are many benefits to working with a personal trainer. While we talked about how personal trainers can help you in a previous blog, we are going to talk about a few additional benefits that you can expect when working with a personal trainer.
moreWhy You Should Try Workout Classes
Workout classes are a fun and exciting way to get a different type of workout. While many people prefer going to the gym and sticking to their regular routine, workout classes are a great way to spice it up!
At BodyPlex Fitness in Jasper and Woodstock, we offer so many different workout classes that we think every one of our members should try. These fitness classes are fun, energetic, and will have you working up a sweat in no time. If you have been interested in trying out one of our fitness classes, do it! If you need more reason to convince yourself to try a class, read on. In this blog, we will give you all the reasons you need to get your workout on in one of our fitness classes.
moreMaking Fitness More Than a New Year’s Resolution
As the first month of the new year comes to a close, it is easy to start thinking of your New Year’s resolutions as a failed attempt at a healthier life. That is, if you have already given up on cutting out junk food, working out regularly, or limiting your drinking. If you are sticking with your resolutions, keep going! Don’t give up now.
While many people have likely already given up on their resolutions, we have some news for you — it is never too late to start again! You can always jump back into your resolutions and make healthier life choices. Or better yet, don’t make resolutions!
moreHow Cryotherapy is Beneficial For Athletes
Cryotherapy has been making waves in many different industries, from beauty to medical to athletics. You have likely heard about some of the benefits and what it can be used for. While there are many ways that cryotherapy can be beneficial, we are going to focus on just one.
As a fitness center that now offers cryotherapy, we want to focus on the athletic side of cryotherapy. At BodyPlex Fitness, we understand that athletes, and anyone who works out, are always looking for the best recovery methods to help keep them active and in the game. Cryotherapy is one of those ways!
moreHow to Stay Motivated In Your Fitness Routine
There are two main periods throughout the year when people hit the gym on a regular basis. The first is after New Year’s, when the resolutions are set and soon to be dropped. The other is during the summer, and right before, when the swimsuits are broken out and vacations are planned. That leaves the end of the year. The time when many people pile on the pounds, give up on their regular routines, and hide under oversized sweaters.
While we all love oversized sweaters, you don’t have to give up on your workout routine in order to rock them. Stick with your fitness and the sweater will be even larger on you, making it extra-comfortable! When fall and winter roll around, the gym becomes more and more empty and we get it. Who wants to come to the gym rather than curl up with a blanket when it is cooler outside? Not many people.
moreBenefits of Yoga
The wonderful thing about fitness and working out is that there is not just one way to do it. There are endless options that can keep you physically active. From going for a run or lifting weights to playing basketball with friends, there are so many different ways to stay fit.
Even gyms don’t offer one machine or workout style. When you join a fitness center, you will have a huge variety of workout options available to you. You will have access to weights, cardio machines, swimming pools, basketball courts, workout classes, and more. This is the exciting part of working out, if you don’t like one thing, you may like another! Or if you get bored with your current workout routine, you can switch it up easily.
Next time someone uses that excuse that they get bored working out, we give you permission to roll your eyes. Or better yet, tell them to try something new, like a Les Mills workout class!
moreTips to Boost Muscle Gains
For some, hitting the gym regularly is about slimming down, dropping weight, or losing that beer belly. But of others, it is about the gains! If you are one of those people who hit the gym regularly to try and increase or build muscle, we get it can be frustrating.
Building muscle doesn’t happen overnight and if you are not doing the right workouts, it can feel like a never-ending battle. If your main goal is to build muscle, there are certain tips you will want to follow and be sure to keep in mind everytime you throw your gym clothes on.
At BodyPlex Fitness, we want to help you reach your fitness goals. Whether that goal is to run a marathon or build more muscle, our knowledgeable staff can help! With a location in Woodstock and Jasper, a fully equipped gym, and fitness classes that are fun and tough, BodyPlex Fitness is the perfect gym to get started on your fitness goals.
moreWorkouts and Their Proper Forms
Whether you are new in the workout world or you have been working out regularly for years, you may have heard a thing or two about the importance of using proper form. It can be frustrating to try to figure out the proper form for different workouts and constantly hearing that you are doing it wrong, or there is a new way to do a crunch that is more effective. We get it.
While it may be annoying trying to worry about proper form and the ever-changing opinion of what proper form is, it is important to keep your form in mind while performing different workouts. Using proper form is a great way to avoid injury and see the best results.
moreThe Best Workouts to Burn More Fat
Many people start working out with a specific goal in mind. They either want to lose weight, drop fat, build muscle, or just live a healthier life. There are many reasons why you may choose to add physical activity to your daily routine, whether it is because you want to be in better physical shape and get rid of the belly fat you have become accustomed to or you read our part one and two blog series about all the reasons how exercise can improve your life.
Working out is a great way to reach many of your goals and can help you feel better in your daily life, but if you are specifically looking to burn fat, there are certain workouts you should stick to to reach your goal.
moreReasons to Work Out That Aren’t Weight Related – Part Two
Once you get into the routine of working out regularly, you will start to love it. But in the beginning, it will likely be miserable and you will lack motivation. Stick with it, and eventually, it will become a habit. There are many reasons why you should work out regularly, and we are not just talking about the benefits of losing weight.
moreReasons to Work Out That Aren’t Weight Related – Part One
When do you consider starting a regular workout routine? Is it when you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see? Is it when you notice your jeans fitting a little tighter? Or maybe it is when you plan the beach vacation and want to look good in your new swimsuit?
But what about when you just don’t feel good? Do you plan to start working out regularly when you feel low on energy? What about when you want to feel better mentally? There are many benefits to exercising that don’t involve weight, and that is why you should make working out part of your daily routine.
moreTips to Getting in Shape For Summer
Swimsuit season is rapidly approaching and it is time to get a jump start on your workout plan. Are you ready for the ultimate workout plan that is simple and can help you lose all that unwanted fat just in time for summer? Are you looking for an easy way to get in shape that doesn’t interfere with your diet of sugar and pizza? Do you want a list of workouts that you can do while sitting on the couch or laying in bed?
moreThe Benefits Of Whole Body Cryotherapy
Cryotherapy has been gaining popularity all across the country lately. It uses cold temperatures to help heal the body and support wellness. Whole body cryotherapy (WBC) is similar to an ice bath, in that they are both cold therapy. A whole body cryotherapy session only last three minutes, while an ice bath lasts a maximum of 20 minutes.
In a previous blog, we briefly talked about cryotherapy and why you should give it a try. In this blog, we will go over more about what cryotherapy is and some of the benefits. If you are interested in trying whole body cryotherapy, BodyPlex is the perfect place. Our full gym now offers a cryotherapy chamber that will allow you to experience this new trends for yourself.
moreAdjusting to Age
We think the band Alphaville said it best, “forever young, I want to be forever young.” Everyone, even those who have aged gracefully, still wishes to be young and have the benefits of youth. For many, it is not the fear of death that worries them, it is the fear of ageing. Ageing is no delicate process and can take away old habits you used to enjoy. But, just because you are ageing, does not necessarily classify you as “old.” In many ways, ageing is not a defeater, it can actually be seen as an opportunity to learn new things. However, much of getting older is all dependant on how well you can adjust to change. For example, if you don’t like change, such as getting wrinkles on your face, ageing can be a difficult process to go through. The important thing to remember when ageing is that is it inevitable, but not uncontrollable. There are many steps you can take to ease into your ageing process.
moreCome And Try Cryotherapy At Bodyplex Woodstock
If you’re partaking in the multitude of workout classes Bodyplex Woodstock has to offer, including Bodypump, Bodyattack, Bodystep, and Bodyflow, you may likely be experiencing the lovely after effects of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)! Right when you think you’ve escaped a hard training session with little to no soreness after the first day, DOMS silently creeps in.
So, what do you do? How do you manage proper muscle recovery? With a variety of tips and techniques out there, including rest, massage, protein, and rolling out, you are left with so many options — but have you heard of cryotherapy?
moreHow Workout Classes Can Get Rid of Pregnancy Weight
Pregnancy is a magical process. You bring new life into this world and become a parent in nine short months. Pregnancy, though a wonderful process, can also completely wreck your body. In just a few months you could go from being a good weight to ballooning up before you know it. The main issue with pregnancy weight is that it is hard to get rid of, and it takes time to fully return to your original weight. But, have you ever asked why pregnancy is so demanding on the body, and why the weight almost never really goes away?
moreHow to be Successful With Your Fitness Resolutions
With one week left of the first month of the new year, it is safe to assume you are still going strong with your New Year’s resolutions. You haven’t given up yet, right? To be fair, a ton of people fail at their resolutions. There may be many reasons for this. Perhaps they didn’t make specific goal that are easier to measure. Or maybe they thought of it more as a simple goal rather than a lifestyle change. Whatever the case may be, they failed.
Most people don’t like being a failure, but when it comes to New Year’s resolutions, almost everyone fails making it easier to justify not making it past the three-month mark. It is hard changing your life, especially when it happens as suddenly as it does on New Year’s Eve. You are partying with your friends and family, celebrating the year that has just past and preparing for the year ahead, and the minute the clock strikes midnight, you are supposed to change your ways entirely. We get it, it is tricky making the sudden change. It is even more difficult making that change suddenly and keeping it going for longer than a few weeks.
moreHow SilverSneakers Helps Seniors Stay Fit
SilverSneakers is a program offered to seniors to help them stay fit, and to help them enjoy this season of life! At Bodyplex, we proudly serve our senior demographic by participating in the SilverSneakers program!
moreCommon Fitness Injuries and How To Avoid Them
While working out seems pretty self explanatory and simple enough to do without too much thought, it is easy to make mistakes and get injured. Workout injuries can happen suddenly to anyone. It doesn’t matter what your fitness level is, even if you are a personal trainer, you can get injured during your workout. Getting injured during a workout not only affects your everyday life, but it also can throw off your entire fitness goal, setting you back, and making it harder to restart once your injury is healed.
Workout related injuries can vary in severity and can affect many different areas of your body. Injuries can set you back and make the last few months of hard workouts worthless. If you are working towards a fitness goal, don’t be set back by an unfortunate injury. At BodyPlex Fitness, we give our team the knowledge needed to avoid injury and help our members know the right methods and techniques to different workouts. These techniques will help avoid injuries, keeping you on track to your fitness goals.
moreAbout The LES MILLS Fitness Classes
Fitness doesn’t have to be boring. Your workout can be fun, challenging, inspiring, and unique. If you are sick of running on a stationary machine, lifting weights until you get bored, struggling to stay motivated, and not seeing the results you want, you may need to try something else. And we know just the thing.
LES MILLS™ classes are unlike any fitness class you have ever been a part of. These classes are designed to offer energetic aerobic and strength workouts that get people excited about their fitness. The Les Mills gym was started by Les Mills Snr, a four-time Olympian. From there, the LES MILLS workouts began and have grown in popularity.
moreThe Truth About Fitness Myths
Being fit takes time, that is one thing you need to know before you start working towards your fitness goal. You may be tempted to try and take shortcuts, to take advice from the article posted all over social media stating “exercises to do in bed” and “five workouts that will help you lose weight fast”. Many of us fall for these claims in hopes that we can skip a gym sesh and get the result we want quickly.
But this never works. You can try these tips and tricks as often as you want, but nothing will get you in shape faster than hitting the gym regularly and eating a nutritious diet. It is hard to know what will or will not work when it comes to new fitness techniques and workouts, but we are here to bust a few common myths.
moreBenefits Of Alkaline Water
Health and fitness is an ever expanding field. New workout technology, the latest diets, and the next best supplements are constantly being raved about. While some of these seem ridiculous and as though they would never actually work, we have found a ton of different health and fitness advances that actually do what they claim to do. From different workout techniques to vegan diets, these health and fitness changes can be easy or extremely hard.
One easy change, that you may have heard about, is switching to alkaline water. Alkaline water is water that has a pH level that is more basic than acidic. Generally, alkaline water has a pH level of about eight or nine. This water helps to balance out the pH level in the body, since a majority of the food we eat is acidic.
While the research is still being done, that are benefits that you could experience if you added alkaline water to your daily routine. If you are an active person and stay on top of the latest health and fitness trends, alkaline water may be the next thing you try. At BodyPlex Fitness, we offer unique and fun workout classes, a knowledgeable and passionate team, and now we offer alkaline water!
moreWorkout Mistakes To Avoid
Working out comes with boundaries. If you are new to the workout game, and even if you are a regular, there are mistakes that can be made that can cause injury and other issues. Working out works a lot of different muscles groups and parts of the body, which can easily be overworked, strained, or more seriously injured if not cautious about the workouts you are doing and how you are doing them.
Just like many other things in life, working out comes with instructions and proper ways to do such workouts. Following these instructions can help ensure you don’t injure yourself, allowing you to keep up with your fitness routine. The best way to ensure you know how to properly execute different workouts is to go to a place where you can get expert advice.
moreWhat To Eat Pre- and Post-Workout
Eating healthy is an important part of being healthy. And while dieting and watching what you eat throughout the day is important, what you eat before and after workouts can be even more important. Different foods can give you different benefits when a workout is thrown into the mix. With the perfect balance of protein, fats, and carbohydrates you can fuel your workout, help your muscles recover, and satisfy your hunger.
If you are looking for the best way to get in shape and help your body absorb the workout in the best way possible, adding these pre- and post-workout snacks can help.
Dieting alone will not help you reach your fitness goals, you must also hit the gym often and get your heart pumping. Find the perfect workouts for you at BodyPlex Fitness. Our 24/7 gym offers a ton of different workout options, from famous group classes to a gym full of your favorite workout equipment and machines. Our team is dedicated and knowledgeable, able to help you reach your goals and give you advice.
moreWays to See Gym Results Fast
Getting your body to a fit state is not always easy. Learning the proper workout moves to target different areas of your body can take time. Targeting the unwanted belly fat could come with different workout routines, and you are not sure which will work best for you. Bulking up and working on improving strength may seem impossible, but it all just takes time.
It is challenging to measure the amount of improvement you are making due to the fact that exercises do not give your instant results. How can you tell if your daily weight lifting routine is helping increase muscle or if you need to up the amount of weight you are working with?
Unfortunately, it all takes time. When you begin your fitness journey, you may notice a difference a week in, but you won’t have abs of steel or impressively strong calf muscles. As wonderful as it would be to leave the gym looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger, that is not a realistic result when it comes to working out, and everyone new to fitness needs to get that out of their head immediately.
moreAll About HIIT
If you have a friend who is all about their fitness, you have probably heard about HIIT, or high-intensity interval training. This isn’t a casual run through the park, or lifting weights at your own pace. This is an all in workout, meant to get you to push yourself to your limits for a short period of time.
HIIT workouts get your heart rate up and keeps it up, allowing you to burn more fat and spend less time doing it. In a HIIT workout, you will go through bursts. Some of these bursts are intense and get your pushing yourself as hard as possible, then you will go through periods of activity that are less intense and allow you to rest a little. These intervals are used to help you stay active, get your heart rate up, and burn fat!
moreTips to Keep You Motivated
We get it, working out is not something everyone loves, and learning to love it take patience, determination, and motivation. Working out and getting in shape are great, when you reach a point that it becomes routine. But how do you get there?
You have tried everything, all the different types of fitness programs and styles. You have tried yoga, cardio-heavy workouts, weight lifting, and you have even tried karate, but nothing seems to keep you interested or motivated.
One thing to remember is that gym junkies were once in your place. They weren’t born with a need to workout and a love for fitness. They learned to love it, they were determined to make it part of their routine, and they got to where they are now with a lot of dedication and motivation.
moreBenefits of Circuit Training
Most everyone enters the fitness world hating every exercise, but as they try more, get better at some, and start to feel improvement, they end up finding something that prefer. Unfortunately, when this happens, many people end up only doing that one exercise, which does not help when trying to get fit, get in shape, and improve different parts of your body.
Let’s say you find out that you love running, you can run for miles, without feeling the exhaustion in your legs. And the next day you are feeling the burn in a great way. But because you only run for your workouts, you are not gaining muscle or working other parts of you body. Your arms aren’t benefiting, your abs are barely getting worked, but your legs are rock solid.
moreHow Personal Trainers Can Help You
When it comes to fitness, a lot of people think they can achieve their goals on their own. But once they get started, they realize how challenging it actually is. Unless you know exactly what you are doing, know the best moves for your trouble areas, know what the best diet is for you, and can apply all of those things at once, it is going to be hard reaching your goals.
That is why personal trainers are so beneficial, especially to people who are new to fitness. Personal trainers can teach you the best workouts and exercises, they can show you the correct way to do them so you can avoid injury and get the most out of each move, and they can help you reach your goals faster than you could on your own.
moreWhat to Expect When Starting Your Fitness Goal
You made your New Year’s resolutions — get fit, eat healthy, stop drinking during the week, stop watching so much television, and stop sneaking the midnight snack. How many of those have you actually stuck to? How many do you still plan on hitting before the next New Year?
The best thing about fitness resolutions is that you don’t have to wait until the beginning of the year to begin! Even if you slacked off during the first few months of 2017, you can still get going on your fitness goals right now. And what better way to do it than to join a gym? But not just any gym, a gym that helps you reach your goals, that encourages you, and has great instructors and trainers that will teach you the best techniques for the best results.
You don’t think a gym like that exists? Think again!
moreWhy Choose BodyPlex Fitness
You join a gym to get in shape, to reach your fitness goals, and to become a better you. You pay a lot of money to have access to all the equipment and classes needed to help you reach your goal. The only problem is picking the right gym for you.
How do you choose? What are you looking for? Which is going to be the best fit for you and your goals?
At BodyPlex Fitness, we have everything you need to get the best workout, make time for the gym, and stay on track with your goals. We offer different memberships, are open 24/7, and have high-quality trainers to help you with all your fitness needs.
Get more out of your membership with the BodyPlex App available for Apple and Android operating systems. Save big at local merchants as part of our Plex Perx program, gain instant access to class schedules, notify management of any equipment malfunction and receive alerts regarding our events and promotions. Search the App Store for “BodyPlex Grayson” and be sure to enable “push notifications” to receive alerts!
Click here to download the brand new Bodyplex App!
Let’s face it – any gym can provide access to equipment. But at BodyPlex, we were fueled since birth by a relentless passion to provide an addictive, highly-anticipated workout experience that delivers results. The type of results that lead to life-change for those we serve. From body-altering to a better quality of life, below you will find some of our great success stories created right here among us in Grayson, GA.
moreTeam Training
It’s a cultural phenomenon and its right here at BodyPlex – Team Cross-training!!!! Experience a wide variety of challenging training sessions, be pushed to new limits and discover your best fitness level ever – all in a motivating, high-energy, small team setting led by one of our certified personal trainers. If you’ve hit a plateau or are looking for a catalyst to accelerate your progress, TEAM TRAINING is the answer! For more details regarding these exciting programs, contact our Member Service Team.
The words “Addicted to Bodyplex” have certainly been said by me in the last few months! I walked in the door the other day and 3 employees rushed to me and said, “Julie, there’s a contest going on and you MUST represent our gym!” So, here it goes!! It all started after the holidays this year when I decided to lose my baby weight and get my life and fitness back in top notch shape. I am 5′ 10″ and weighed 171, and now I am down to a MUCH tighter 148. After about 5 months of intense training through Knockout, TRX, CXworks, and RPM, I have lost over 20 pounds and back to my lean body. I absolutely could not have done it without the help from my Bodyplex home. The minute I walk in the door I am greeted by name, and as I walk to my treadmill, weights or class I am asked about my experience whether it is a compliment on progress, or offering advise for my fitness goals. I can tell that this is not just a job for my home gym employees, but a true passion which has definitely rubbed off on me!
moreContact US
Cancellations or membership changes must be made in person or via certified mail.
Why Choose Us?
What makes BodyPlex so unique? Honestly…it’s our people!! We are intentional in the selection of our greatest asset – our team! Our staff is genuine, passionate and devoted to delivering an unmatched member experience. You can interact with the owner on-site which allows us to respond more quickly to member needs.
*Please consult your physician or other healthcare provider before starting an exercise program. The claims on this site are not typical of the sedentary person. Bodyplex guarantees nothing and results may very.